NOTE: Members will receive an emailed renewal notice in November. There will be an option to "click here to view this invoice". At the bottom of the invoice will be a link to "Pay Invoice." If you have any trouble with renewing via the website, you may call the office at 800-558-8686 or use the PDF version of the dues and database update forms. However, you're missing out on member's only content if you never login!
Not sure if you paid your dues? Login and go to the Member Center. Click Profile. Your membership information is right under your picture (if you uploaded one).
W-9 available upon request. Email [email protected]

AOCOPM is for
- Aerospace, Occupational, and Preventive Medicine Physicians
- Other Primary Care Physicians
- Physician Assistants
- Nurse Practitioners
- Interns, Residents and Fellows
- Medical Students
- Continuing Education and Certification
- Discounted Prices on Conference Registration and AOCOPM Publications
- Practice Improvement and Profitability
- Diversified Specialties in One Organization
- Access to Industry Thought Leaders
- Networking
Membership Types and Dues Rates (annual, Jan 1 - Dec 31)
Active Membership:
For graduates of American Osteopathic Association COCA accredited schools of osteopathic medicine who have an interest in preventive medicine. Active members of the College enjoy the right to vote and hold office.
$300 yearly
Associate Membership:
For medical professionals whose interests are those of the College, but who do not qualify for active membership including MD's, FNP's, PA's, RN's, and LPN's. Associate members shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of the College except the right to vote or hold an elected office, except for the Associate Member Representative to the Board of Trustees. As a committee member, an associate is privileged to vote in any deliberations of committees.
$225 yearly
Full-Time Military:
Active Duty Uniformed Service, only. If military members are deployed or OCONUS the dues can be reduced to $100 upon request. VA and Public Health members should pay the regular "Active" member rate.
$225 yearly
Retired Members (Emeritus):
For members who have retired from professional medical vocations and have been Active members of the College. Emeritus members shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of the College except the right to hold office. On occasion, the Board has the right to appoint an Emeritus member as a Special Advisor to the Board.
Resident Members:
For Intern, Resident and Fellow Members. Resident members shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of the College except the right to vote or hold an elected office, except for the Resident/Fellow Representative to the Board of Trustees. As committee members, residents/fellows are privileged to vote in any deliberations of committees.
Student Members:
For Students at AOA COCA Accredited Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine. Student members shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of the College except the right to vote or hold an elected office, except for the Student Representative to the Board of Trustees. As committee members, students are privileged to vote in any deliberations of committees. Note that students must join using a valid university email address.